Hello and welcome to RaffamusaDesigns.com, a blog journey into my crochet adventures and experiments.
This all started after I realized I had been crocheting for literally hours, days, and months without getting any close to being tired of it. So, I have finally decided to blog about my crochet ideas with the amazing crochet community on the Web.
My hope is that this blog can become an interacting place for many crocheters around the world who are probably sitting on their living room couch, wearing super baggy clothes, and enjoying every minute of it! (If you crochet in your sexiest dress, fair enough XD )
Since I have never blogged before, I guess I’ll have to get the hang of it. So, any suggestions, comments, and feedback from you guys are more than welcome.
Let’s get to some crochet now! I hope we’ll have a lot of fun crocheting and crafting together!